It's Day 2 of the X EDITION of Made in Steel. The rich program of conferences of the International Conference & Exhibition for the steel industry includes topics such as Ukraine, sustainability, the economic juncture and the market, and keeping up with traditions, the Annual Assembly of Federacciai.


siderweb Conference Room (Hall 24).

The programme starts at 10:00 with the conference "The role of Ukraine in the new Europe made of steel. Guest of honor is Yuriy Ryzhenkov (CEO of Metinvest), who will engage in a conversation with Emanuele Norsa (Kallanish and siderweb).


In the afternoon, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Federacciai's Public Assembly will take place in the central square of Made in Steel. On the stage: Antonio Gozzi, President of Federacciai, Marco Fortis (Vice President of the Edison Foundation), Adolfo Urso (Minister for Enterprises and of Made in Italy), Antonio Tajani (Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) and Antonio D'Amato (President of the Mezzogiorno Foundation). Attendees of the Assembly will have the opportunity to take a copy of Federacciai's Annual Report, titled "The Italian steel industry in 2022".


siderweb arena (Hall. 22).

The first talk at the new Made in Steel piazza will address one of the industry's most topical issues: sustainability. Thanks to Professor Sergio Vergalli's storytelling (from the University of Brescia) and authoritative speakers' opinions, the session discusses the role of the steel value chain, which embodies the values of the circular economy and is sustainable by definition.

The closing event of the siderweb Arena is MARKET & SURROUNDINGS, the traditional webinar designed by siderweb to monitor monthly trends in domestic and international steel markets. For the first time, MARKET & SURROUNDINGS is a "physical" event. Achille Fornasini (siderweb - StatLab University of Brescia) and Emanuele Norsa (Kallanish and siderweb), supported by Stefano Ferrari's storytelling (siderweb) and other industry players, shop talk about prices, demand and supply, inventories and short to medium term outlook for flats and long carbon steel products.